Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention

The Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention is a collaborative effort to generate and share information and resources with the international public health community, civil society groups, health policymakers, and program managers.

People Living with HIV Stigma Index

The People Living with HIV Stigma Index provides a tool that measures and detects changing trends in relation to stigma and discrimination experienced by people living with HIV, including in the area of SRHR. Since the project began in 2008 more than 65 countries have completed the study.

HIV Testing Services Guidance Database

HIV counseling and testing is offered as part of the comprehensive package of HIV prevention services that accompany voluntary medical male circumcision. The AIDSFree Project’s HIV Testing Services Guidance Database provides national guidelines and policies on HIV testing services from many priority countries, including information about consent and confidentiality, testing algorithms and strategies, use of […]